Health, Safety & Environment professionals agree that compliance with safety programs is one of the strongest lead indicators of safety outcomes. Random drug and alcohol testing has emerged in Canada as an effective safety compliance tool in ensuring employee fitness in safety-sensitive roles. Despite compelling reasons to implement compliance measures, some employers remain hesitant about considering random testing due to uncertainty and misinformation on the topic.
This FAQ addresses the most common issues to guide employers in making well-informed decisions.
For an employer to take action on a test result, the result needs to be reliable. For workplace testing, this means that the result must be forensic—in other words, legally defensible. Establishing legal defensibility is no small task; in fact, in the United States, where drug testing is federally regulated, there are over 140 pages of procedures to ensure that a result is defensible.
These procedures are issued under the authority of the Department of Transportation and guidance of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR Part 40. They have been accepted by Canada and throughout North America as the only North American standard, as a consequence of the conditions set in the North American Free Trade Agreement, January 1, 1994.
The testing procedure for a forensic test at the highest level involves five major steps:
Among the drugs tested are marijuana metabolites; cocaine metabolites; 6-acetylmorphine (morphine metabolite); opiates and opioids; phencyclidine (PCP or street name “Angel Dust”); and amphetamines, including methamphetamines and ecstasy (MDMA, MDA, MDEA— related methylenedioxyphenethylamines). The combination of substances tested for determines the drug test “panel”. The test will often be referred to as a “5 panel”, “5 panel plus semi synths”, “12 panel”, or a similar sounding name.
Forensic methods of testing that apply for occupational safety purposes are urine and oral fluid. In order to test positive in the laboratory, the concentration of the drug metabolite must be above a set cut-off level.
The cut-off level is never set at zero, because passive or unintentional exposure may occur and not pose a risk to safety. This cut-off level is key to maintaining the integrity of the laboratory test results and ensuring that risks are adequately identified. These cut-off levels are usually set by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) but other cut-off levels can be considered in some circumstances.
The testing process accounts for valid prescription medications. A physician reviews all non-negative laboratory results before they are released to the designated employer representative to verify any valid prescription medications. The final release is a negative result or negative with a safety advisory if the prescription use is deemed to pose a safety risk on the job. This process ensures the utmost confidentiality around prescription details and addresses the risks that even valid prescriptions pose in safety-sensitive environments.
It is easy to demonstrate that an individual with a positive test working in a safety-sensitive position is too great a risk to personal and public safety to be left unmanaged. This conclusion is reasonably acceptable and well supported in the findings of related case law, where it forms the premise of the arguments, correlation studies, Canadian Labour Code, and criminal implications of failing to address a known hazard.
The main challenge in implementing random drug or alcohol testing for employers is managing the misinformation and the lack of concise, trustworthy advice needed to provide a framework for a successful program. Employers performing drug testing in Canada need to be aware that there are standard program requirements for doing so successfully:
The bottom line is always the same: safety. Effective risk management is primarily limited by accurate risk identification. Actionable and accurate risk identification is the primary measure of testing methods.
Once an employer has all of the basics in place, the progression to a random testing program is relatively seamless. It simply entails a documented and verifiable reason to increase the scope of the program, a policy update including sufficient notice to staff, an objective section mechanism to ensure fairness, and an annual review of the safety objectives.
Employers who are misinformed, who do not educate their supervisors, or who do not establish or adhere to proper processes can make a number of missteps. Often, they:
Concerns about test accuracy are due to misinformation, and they prevent many employers from taking reasonable steps toward addressing substance use in a safety-sensitive environment. A forensic test following the process outlined in the 49 CFR Part 40 is irrefutable; a lab-based test is incredibly accurate. Cut-off levels account for passive inhalation, and they are all set at a point that gives the employee the benefit of the doubt. A verified positive test indicates a risk that must be managed.
Police officers testing drivers for impairment do not consider explanations for blowing over the limit such as that you drank at home on your own time, that it’s your right to choose to drink, or that it was hours since your last drink.
What they care about is protecting the public; when someone blows over the limit, that person poses a serious risk to public safety and is relieved of his or her driving privileges. Just as the time of substance use and the freedom to choose lawful behaviours at home are not relevant to roadside impairment testing, they are not relevant in workplace testing.
There are slight variations on what constitutes a safety-sensitive position or job, but the definitions are all similar in principle.
Here are a few examples:
CannAmm Written Policy Definition
A safety-sensitive position is one in which a state of incapacity due to drug impairment could result in direct and significant risk of injury to the incapacitated individual, others, company property, and/or the environment.
These positions depend on alertness, quickness of response, soundness of judgment, and accuracy of coordination of multiple muscle functions and have a direct role in an operation where the inappropriate performance of the task could result in harm to oneself, coworkers, invitees, property, or the environment. This definition includes all individuals who are required to rotate through or within a safety-sensitive area.
Human Rights Definition
A safety-sensitive position is one in which incapacity due to drug or alcohol impairment could result in a direct and significant risk of injury to the employee, others, or the environment. When determining whether a job is safety-sensitive, one must consider the context of the industry, the particular workplace and an employee’s direct involvement in a high-risk operation. Any definition must take into account the role of properly trained supervisors, and the checks and balances present in the workplace.
Case Law
The Court of Appeal decisions in Entrop and Toronto Dominion Bank remains one of the leading cases. In Imperial Oil v. Entrop 2002, 37 CHHR, D/481 at paragraph 6, the court distinguished between safety-sensitive positions and other positions:
“Safety-sensitive positions have a key and direct role in an operation where impaired performance could result in a catastrophic incident affecting the health or safety of employees, sales associates, contractors, customers, the public or the environment; and have no direct or very limited supervision available to provide frequent operational checks.”
Privacy is something that both the employer and the testing administrator need to treat very seriously. The forensic testing process itself is inherently confidential; however, the employer is still responsible for ensuring that the information they have access to is managed carefully. As an administrator, we provide tools for online access that use various levels of access and built-in security features to mitigate the risk of privacy breaches.
When privacy issues arise, our privacy officer initiates an incident report and manages each case according to our privacy policy, which is practised to the highest standard.
Human rights complaints are not common; none of our clients has been successfully challenged on a human rights complaint. We deal with potential human rights complaints by ensuring our clients have all the information and tools to test in a non-discriminatory manner—we would rather it be done right and avoid any potential pitfalls.
There is a lot of misinformation about testing programs in Canada. The most common misconceptions that deter employers from considering random testing are addressed below.
Overall, we feel it is important for readers to understand that these programs are aimed at removing the risk of the effects of drugs and alcohol in the workplace and to the public. The programs are built with a high degree of integrity, and with accommodation and return to work as the standard practice. Employers who introduce programs are trying to protect their workforce.
They are not on a witch hunt; they want to keep their people but remove the effects of drugs and alcohol from the job. Seeing the many examples of families who have been positively changed by employers requiring that an employee be rehabilitated really takes the wind out of counterarguments.
We suspect someone is going to have a different position on this. But fundamentally, what argument is there against an employer implementing a program that legitimately addresses a known hazard, as long as it does so with integrity, the right intentions, and a valid means to execute, and doesn’t require anyone to lose their job to provide a safer workplace (a core principle of union representation)?
Given all of the safeguards—ensuring a legally defensible result, accommodation, privacy, and dignity in the process—what valid argument remains to prevent an employer from taking steps toward keeping all our families safer? Everyone deserves to be free from the tragedy of workplace incidents caused by substance use.
The misinformation is costing lives.