Simple solutions to your complex problems.
CannAmm Occupational Testing Services provides services, solutions, and expertise to help you build and manage a drug-free workforce. We also help in ensuring the health and safety of each employee by assessing if they are medically and physically fit for the job. Every test we run is of the highest quality, performed in an empathetic, professional manner that generates defensible results.
We protect your people, business, and profitability with empathy, unquestionable expertise, and trusted solutions. While there’s nothing simple about what we do, we make sure it seems that way to our clients and the people we test, providing turnkey corporate solutions and getting people in and out of our testing facilities—and back to work, when necessary—as quickly as possible.
To view CannAmm’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, click here.
When results matter as much as they do to the companies we work for and the people we test, we have to get it right. That’s why we have the most knowledgeable and trustworthy experts in the occupational health testing and drug and alcohol testing industry, and why we always ensure that best practices rule our operations. A pioneer in the occupational health and drug and alcohol testing fields, we set the standard, getting it done right—fast.
Expertise permeates every level of our occupational health services, from the highly trained and knowledgeable people who answer our phones to our certified front-line collection staff to those who design and deliver our drug awareness training programs. Our people are constantly learning too, staying up to date on the latest technologies and regulations. We are committed to being the best in this business because that’s how our clients and the people we test know they can trust us. Our in-house expertise includes people with the following designations: Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), Substance Abuse Expert (SAE), Certified Substance Abuse Program Administrator (C-SAPA), and Medical Technologist (MT-ASCP).
If you haven’t already gotten to know us, contact us online or give us a call. We’d be happy to discuss how we can help your business ensure a safe work environment and increase productivity.
We are proud to be in this business. Proud of our values and integrity. Proud of our results.
CannAmm is a registered vendor/supplier with ISNetworld®, ComplyWorks® and PICS.